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Food & Beverage

Freshness assured for every sort of food.

With over 25 years of experience in food-grade warehousing, we’ve honed our expertise and continued to expand our food and beverage capacity and capabilities in the regions we serve.

We specialize in food and beverage logistics, handling ingredients and agricultural commodities with precision and care. Our facilities are fully compliant with all food and beverage regulations, ensuring the highest standards of safety and quality.

Storage solutions as versatile as your ingredients.

Whether dealing with ingredients as individual units or in bulk, our warehouses and staff are equipped to efficiently ship and store ingredients for foods, vitamins and supplements, pharmaceuticals, and more.

  • Flex Palletized Grey circle IconPalletized
  • Flex Bulk IconBulk
  • Flex Totes Grey circle IconTotes
  • Flex Asceptic containers IconAsceptic Containers
  • Flex Drums Grey circle IconDrums

Preserving quality through functional design.

Humidity control Food and beverage

Advanced temperature and humidity control to maintain the quality of perishable items

Racking systems Food and beverage

Optimized space utilization features high-density racking systems and expansive aisles

Sanitation Food and beverage

Sophisticated sanitation systems for preventing contamination

Liquor Food and Beverage

Licensed to store wine and liquor beverages

FDA Food and beverage

FDA registered. AIB superior.

Whether dealing with ingredients as individual units or in bulk, our warehouses and staff are equipped to efficiently ship and store ingredients for foods, vitamins and supplements, pharmaceuticals, and more.

Let us know more about your business.